Top 10 October 2014

Eight out of the 10 most popular posts on in October focus on creativity from Africa.

The news that the prestigious Vitra Design Museum will be mounting a major exhibition focussing on contemporary design in Africa had design fans aflutter, proving to be the most popular post on during the month of October. Also making headlines was OpenIDEO and USAID’s call to designers to come up with ideas to help health workers treated Ebola patients.

Other popular content from the continent included our Track of the Week, “Kinshasa”, a dreamy remix by Danish producer CHLLNGR of a track by Alec Lomami; a video interview with social media strategist Mark Kaigwa on digital trends in East Africa; our African Report on ARCHiNOS’s architectural conservation efforts in South Sudan; as well as Porky Hefer’s new take on architecture.

Two fashion stories caught the eye of fashionistas: We profiled Buki Abib, a fashion and accessories designer with a unique Afro-chic flair, and showed South African fashion designer Hendrik Vermeulen’s insect-inspired range Insecta Mirabilis.

Finally, advice from the graphic design legends Stefan Sagmeister, Michael Bierut, Milton Glaser and Max Kisman had readers clicking away.